Seller SignUp

    Winery URL To Be Listed (required)

    General Terms & Conditions

    By allowing AmadorWine.Shop™, an operating entity of Wine360Cloud™ Check Back for new Offers...also Confirm the Business Open Hours, to include your products in our Online Catalog the Seller agrees to the terms and conditions we set out here. Seller understands that AmadorWine.Shop™ is a “online aggregator” also advertising other Seller’s products. Our listings may include: any wines from Wine Regions we accept (THE AVA) (which may include some wine made from grapes outside THE AVA); Vintners in THE AVA; and wines made from THE AVA Grapes outside THE AVA. The Clearance Category may have Label Listings from Vintners outside THE AVA. Non-wine items may be listed. Our goal is to serve content that is “Seller Neutral” utilizing the content and graphics for a Listing that exists on the Seller’s website. AmadorWine.Shop™ reserves the right to: a) refuse accepting Listings from any party; b) determine the textual and graphical content of all Online Catalog Listings based on the Seller's website content; c) serve Ad’s to visitors on our website. Ads may pertain to goods, services, products and events; and d) pause, limit, delay, or cease operation of our Online Catalog at any time.

    Seller Terms and Conditions

    • Seller grants permission to AmadorWine.Shop™ to advertise all Wine Listing textual and graphic content presented on Seller website for online purchase by the general public as indicated in the listings. Seller may also include specific Private Labels, by name, that are not available to the Public on the Seller Website. The Wine Label Shopping Cart URL will be used as a BUY Click link to the Seller Online Store for all listed items.

    • Seller acknowledges they are responsible for the accuracy and legality of the Wine Listing Content used in the Online Catalog based on the content from the Seller Website. We will make any requested corrections on an expedited basis considering our other priorities.

    • Seller agrees to be responsible for their Wine Sales, Wine Shipping and Customer Service to the Buyer.

    • Seller agrees that AmadorWine.Shop™ may decide to not list some Seller Wine Labels or Vintages at its sole discretion.

    • Seller may request removal of all or specific Wine Labels (De-listing) from our Online Catalog at any time. De-listing will be done on an expedited basis considering our other priorities.

    • Seller acknowledges there is an Independent Relationship with AmadorWine.Shop™.

    • Seller acknowledges that AmadorWine.Shop™ makes no guaranty sales results will meet a Seller’s goals and expectations.

    Limitation of Liability

    Seller agrees that AmadorWine.Shop™, Wine360.Cloud, and our management and employees are not liable for any damages arising out of or related to access to or use of our site, or sites we link to, whether or not these damages are foreseeable and whether or not we have been advised of the possibility, including, without limitation, direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or punitive damages.

    Seller Listing Fees

    AmadorWine.Shop™ will charge Sellers to list their Wine Labels and Sellers will be expected to pay mutually agreed charges or their Wine Labels will be de-Listed. Our Fees may be Fixed Charges, Monthly Subscriptions and/or Monthly BUY Click Charges. The specific costs and payment terms will be mutually agreed separately from this Form when the Seller Listing is approved by AmadorWine.Shop™ .

    Listing Terms and Conditions Acceptance

    YES Note: Checking "YES" Accepts the above Seller Listing Terms and Conditions and You Approve listing your Wine Labels if your Seller Listing is accepted by AmadorWine.Shop™. PLEASE CONTACT ME